HKCE Circular 海關通函 20190918
The HKCE has issued a Circular on 18 September 2019. In summary:
香港海關於2019年9月18日發出了一份通函, 內容大致為:
1. The HKCE may revoke or suspend a MSO licence if the Company “long failed” to provide money service.
1. 如金錢服務經營者長期未有提供金錢服務, 海關可以撤銷或暫時吊銷該公司的金錢服務經營者牌照
2. The HKCE may revoke or suspend a MSO licence if the Company fails to submit the Quarterly Transaction Reports on a timely basis.
2. 如金錢服務經營者未有準時遞交季度交易報表, 海關可以撤銷或暫時吊銷該公司的金錢服務經營者牌照
3. If a MSO company wishes to change from a MSO licence “with particular premises” to a MSO licence “without particular premises”, the company must cancel the existing licence and reapply for a new MSO licence without particular premises.
3. 如金錢服務經營者希望由「有特定處所」轉為「沒有特定處所」,公司需要先取消現有的金錢服務經營者牌照,然後再重新申請沒有特定處所的金錢服務經營者牌照
We provide ongoing / on-demand professional services in relation to licence application, HKMSOS System, Transaction Reporting, and other AML Compliance consultation. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!
我們提供持續 / 因應需要的專業服務,包括:牌照申請、HKMSOS系統、處理交易報表、及其他反洗錢合規咨詢等。如有疑問或需要協助, 請隨時聯絡我們, 謝謝!
Reference: (English), (Chinese)